Fiber-Optic Probes

Designed with an unparalleled optical quality finish, Optomistic Products has developed a wide array of Fiber-optic Probes to accommodate your specific LED test requirement and mechanical constraints.
For dimension drawings of all our Fiber-Optic Probes, see the Quick Guide to Fiber-Optic Probes
There are three primary ways to tailor the Fiber-Optic Probe to suit your test’s mechanical constraints, including Aperture Size, Cable Type and Tip Length/Shape:
Aperture Size:
Small Aperture Fiber-Optic Probes:

When the distance between LEDs is very small, we offer a range of Small-aperture Fiber-optic Probes to test LEDs as close as 0.050″ on center. This includes the popular Trident Fiber-optic Probe, which allows the sequential test of three LEDs with a single Sensor, at a significant cost savings.
Wide-aperture Fiber-Optic Probes:

When testing dim or misaligned LEDs, we recommend Fiber-optic Probes with a Wide Aperture, which allow maximum light input, and which can be set at a distance further from the LED under test.
Cable Type:
Regular Cable: Our most popular and cost efficient flexible cable.
Superflex “SF” Cable: For difficult to access LEDs, or if mechanical constraints require sharp bends in the cable.
Rigid “XXX”: Stainless -steel encased fibers allow for testing without mounting clamps.
Tip Length / Tip Shape:
Various lengths and shapes to allow for variations in working distance, orientation, accessibility and refinement
Short “SL”, Long “LL” and Extra-Long “XLL” Tips: Available in most Fiber-optic Probe models.
Side Facing: To accommodate LED orientation and accessibility.
Contacting Tips: For the most refined intensity measurement, we recommend Wide-aperture Fiber-optic Probes with insulated tips that contact the LED under test. Contacting Tips are designed to eliminate variations in intensity output that can be caused by differences in the working distance between the LED and the Fiber-optic Probe tip.
For a quick reference, refer to Which Fiber-optic Probe is Best For Your Test.